Jeannine, Mike and Nik brought a large repertoire of dance beats as their band, “Something Completely Different,” had guests dancing conga lines, waltzes, YMCA and to good old Rock and Roll! Bishop Chatard High School students lived out their foundational principles: “a faith community, learning, leading, serving” by learning what makes our elderly laugh, leading instructions on “Gangnam Style” dancing and serving light refreshments to the Residents.
Students met their dates at their doors and escorted them to the prom, backed up Residents’ in the conga lines, and danced to music written from the 1950’s to 2013. Prom King and Queen Bob Lehr and Jackie Cooper made their top hat and tiara look great! It was impossible to tell who had the best time.
Thanks, Chatard! See you next year!
Please click here for a photo slideshow from this event!
April 12: The Senior Prom with Chatard High School