World Day for Consecrated Life
By Sr. Christian Maria, lsp
Joy “is the best witness we can offer to God’s holy faithful people,
whom we are called to serve and accompany on their pilgrimage
toward the encounter with the Father,” – Pope Francis
On February 4, 2023, the Little Sisters of the Poor St. Augustine Home hosted for the first time a simple gathering of 34 consecrated women religious from 8 Religious Communities in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. The theme of the afternoon was “Be Joyful in Hope” Romans 12:12.
The afternoon began in the Chapel with Prayer reflection taken from Pope Francis’ message to consecrated men and women to “bring the light of Christ’s love to all people”. Each religious community is represented by a candle lit in front of the altar. The light was taken from the Paschal candle by one representative from each community as a sign that our light comes from “Jesus, the Light of the World.” Praying the Vespers together followed.
The evening was concluded by fraternal sharing around the table for a simple evening meal at the Home’s gathering hall. It was a delightful evening of sharing songs of praise and joyful dances and melodies in each religious community’s native language.
I was sitting next to a senior religious, present and watching, taking in what she witnessed, and with a smile she said, “This is the future of religious life, young and joyful.” I added, “and is centered in Christ.”
World Day for Consecrated Life