St. Roch Parish, Indianapolis, Indiana supports our St. Augustine Home
Each year, St. Roch Parish, Indianapolis, has a Giving Tree set up for our Residents. The Residents receive many wonderful gifts.
This year, with Covid influencing everything, a Giving Tree was not the way St. Roch wanted to proceed. With social distancing protocols in place and the extra ask for people to get out and shop, the normal way of the Giving Tree was not what the parish had in mind.
But they still wanted the opportunity to give. They wanted to bring joy to our Residents. So, after a bit of time talking it through among their parishioners, they got creative, and asked if they could send gift cards of the same type and denomination to all the Residents.
We thought that was a great idea!
Father Hunter and Seminarian Sam Rosko arrived with gift cards for all!
Merry Christmas, Everyone!
Giving Tree Gifts