Following Mass in the Chapel for Guild members’ intentions, the dedicated group held their final meeting of this fiscal year. Before getting down to business, JoAnne Spellman warmly thanked out-going President Pat Kopek for her leadership and careful shepherding of the group this year. After lunch, members heard recording secretary and treasurer reports, committee updates and reports and especially exciting reports on the donation of volunteer hours and fundraising efforts to the Little Sisters at St. Augustine Home. Tracy Desserich, Director of Development, thanked the Guild members for the incredible number of volunteer hours worked — 14,605! According to Independent Sector (, that is a donation of time valued at $323,354.70. Tracy underscored the importance this work has to the home: our Little Sisters are simply too few in number by themselves to make the home the loving family in continuous service to the Elderly that it is. By adding 85 Guild members to the mix, so much more is possible.
Gloria Hayes provided specifics about member hours, noting that 38 members worked more than 50 hours a year, and some of these worked from 500 to 600 hours, and one member volunteering 1100 hours! Members fill essential functions in the kitchen, craft and ceramic rooms, changing Resident sheets, stocking and running the Residents’ Little Store with fashionable men’s and women’s clothing and useful items, providing music classes, producing numerous activities and special events throughout the year, regularly visiting Residents, and, of course, producing and running fundraisers including the Christmas Bazaar, the annual afghan raffle, and the spectacular Hats Off to Spring fashion show and luncheon held on May 1. (See separate blog article about the event, below.) This year, the Guild presented Mother Mary Vincent with $47,857.
Mother Mary Vincent remarked that she has never seen a Guild as committed and generous as this group in her years as a Little Sister. Mother has shared that comment both publically and privately, and is so moved that so many carry on in the tradition of St. Jeanne Jugan, caring lovingly for the elderly poor. “Why, you even buy your own lunch!” she said.
Member Joanne Dyer introduced new members (see photo). New officers for 2013-2014 were introduced, including:
President, JoAnne R. Spellman
Vice-President, Joanne Dyer
Recording Secretary, Nancy Wilberding
Corresponding Secretary, Sherry Porter
Treasurer, Mary Reid
Publicity, Tricia Damler
First Year Liaisons, Pat Chang
Gazette & Roster Editor, Jeanne Hodge Degler
Past President, Pat Kopek
St. Augustine Guild Members Lunch