Born in the South of France in the 1200s, St. Roch distributed his considerable wealth to the poor and went on pilgrimage, selflessly nursing and curing plague victims. St. Roch parish, named in his honor, likewise practices generous giving all year. They invited Residents of St. Augustine’s Home to join them for a Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday evening, November 18. The food was excellent. But there was so very much more.
Students met the residents as they arrived. One or two students accompanied each resident from the car or van to the hall, offering a very warm and genuine welcome. They served meals, and attended to their guests’ needs even before being asked. Their spirit and joy was infectious, and it was so clear that they saw Christ in the guests in their midst.
St. Roch needed a village of people to offer this feast of food and grace: cooks working over hot stoves and ovens, people serving from a long table with every Thanksgiving favorite, right to the pumpkin pie, students who carried trays to and for our Residents, and the St. Roch choir who closed the program with beautiful hymns and songs that would move even Ebenezer to an attitude of openness and Thanksgiving. As each guest left for the evening, our hosts, with warm, caring expressions, distributed a gift bag to each attendee. Thank you, St. Roch, for providing not only a good time and a delicious meal, but also for treating each Resident to your infectious happiness, love and respect.
Click here for a photo slideshow from this event.
It’s about Thanksgiving