World Youth Day Reflection
Sylvia Vanderburgh is a dining aide employee at St. Augustine Home. She attended the World Youth Day in Lisbon. She did a presentation here at our Lanagan Hall to the Residents, Little Sisters and Employees to share her experience with the Residents. Here is an excerpt from the reflection on her adventure:
I had the joy of journeying to World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal with fellow Marian University students this past August. It was a pilgrimage in every sense of the word — sometimes frustrating, sometimes scary, sometimes exhausting, but always leading me closer to God. I visited the Little Sisters’ Home in Lisbon, celebrating Residents’ birthdays with Portuguese line dancing and embracing silent contemplation of the Eucharist with Evening Prayer.
Throughout the week, I discovered my place in the Universal Church with gatherings of 1.5 million young people representing over 200 countries. The American Gathering, which included Adoration and a keynote by Bishop Robert Barron, was especially impactful for me as I realized that the American Church is alive, we have answered the Pope’s call to come to World Youth Day despite the cost, and we are ready to rebuild the Church in America.
Upon returning home, I have a renewed understanding of life as a pilgrimage — the earth is my ship, not my home. My fellow San Damiano Scholars* and I continue to root ourselves firmly in Christ as we labor for revival on campus and the larger community through prayer, contemplation, and service.
*San Damiano Scholars are Marian University students in formation to be the church future missionary disciples through scholarship, discipleship and leadership formation.
World Youth Day Reflection