Scripture Sharing Group
In the St. Augustine Home of the Little Sisters of the Poor, Indianapolis, IN, their Scripture Sharing group has expanded its presentations. The group began a new video series led by Jeff Cavins offered through Ascension Press. The series is called “Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible.”
The initial group, consisting of 10 to 12 Residents from different units, began years ago. The group read together the Mass readings for the upcoming Sunday and shared their thoughts on the readings.
The group continued to share scripture on a weekly basis using the homilies of Bishop Robert Barron provided through his online site, Word on Fire. Over the years, for a variety of reasons, the group dwindled to a handful of people and then went on hold during the lock down of the pandemic.
Most recently, the group has reemerged with the assistance of the activities department. It is being held by a core group of four apartment Residents along with Activities Director, Claire Thompson. The current series lasts for 8 sessions with each session being facilitated by one of the core group. The group agreed to use this series to give those in attendance a “helicopter view” of Salvation History. This allows everyone to be on the same page in understanding how the Bible tells the love story of God for His people. Additionally, this history shows how God’s plan was fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ and how this all relates to the development of our Catholic faith.
The presentations include watching the videos and then having “table talk” groups, 3 – 4 Residents, discuss several follow up questions. This has been possible in our big hall by continuing to wear masks and keeping required distance at round tables. One of our Residents who is one hundred years old said that this was the first time in all these years that she feels she really understands her Catholic faith.
It has been thrilling to see the participation both of the facilitators, and so many of the Residents, (some 20 strong), coming in from all the different units (Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing, and the Apartments), and sharing together in these sessions. The plan for the group is to continue more in-depth Bible study following the completion of the series.
Scripture Sharing Group