Holy Week and Easter 2023
The little family of St. Augustine Home’s solemn observance of Lenten Season was celebrated in the Home’s beautiful chapel beginning with the weekly recitation and prayer of the Stations of the Cross.
Right in the middle of Lent, the Home had several Covid-19 positive cases which required us to limit the crowd’s presence in the chapel. But it did not deter anyone from keeping the observance of Lent – we held the Stations of the Cross through closed-circuit TV while the sisters spread out in the chapel.
Not having a Chaplain, Fr. Joseph Cox, OSB from St. Meinrad celebrated the Holy Week Liturgy. Father Joseph shared with us that he has been coming to the Home to celebrate the Holy Week Liturgy for 6 years now except in year 2020-2021 because of Covid lockdown. The liturgical celebration were special down to the details! He also generously prepared and gave a two-day retreat to the Residents centered on topics of gratitude, forgiveness, not judging others and prayer.
The Sacred Week celebration culminated with a beautiful Holy Triduum – Holy Thursday Evening Watch, Good Friday celebration of the Lord’s Passion and the evening Mass of Resurrection where we lit the Easter Paschal Candle.
Wishing you all a truly Blessed Easter!
Holy Week and Easter 2023