Long-time friends greeted one another in the foyer of the Woodstock Country Club, Indianapolis, with the happy sounds of reuniting for the annual event and of welcoming new guests. The black-tie optional affair, chaired by Meg Ryder and Martha Legue, marked 25 years in support of the work of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Indianapolis. With this special anniversary, the co-chairs arranged for the founding organizers to be recognized for their work. In addition, Mother Mary Vincent presented Martha and Meg with plaques in recognition of their co-chairing for the past 10 years. Thanks so much, Martha and Meg, for leading the glitteringly event with the same elegance the founding committee members valued so much.
Following dinner and remarks by Resident Tom Redmond, guests generously pledged money during a Needs Auction for the care and well-being of the Residents. The Sisters and Residents are most grateful for the heartfelt care they have received.
November 10, 2012: 25th Anniversary Harvest Festival