What a festive evening it was! Archbishop Joseph Tobin (note: Joseph) celebrated the Eucharist with Residents, family and benefactors on the evening of our Benefactor Dinner on March 18. He and Mother Mary Vincent kept the atmosphere light with laughter during their dinner remarks. And St. Joseph made a special appearance. (More about St. Joseph in the blog below.)
Despite threats of “wintery mix” from the weather, many friends of the Home gathered to pray and eat together. Dinner was served in two smoothly moving buffet lines, and the choice of entrees and sides was extensive and delicious. (It appears that the “world famous” St. Augustine fried chicken was a special hit!)
Snippets of conversation from throughout the room revealed popular topics of kids and grandkids, the beautiful eucharistic service and personal stories about meeting their first Little Sister or visiting St. Augustine’s for the first time.
This was clearly a family reunion with generations of members and the newest additions laughing, praying, and breaking bread together.
March 18, 2013: Benefactor Dinner