Congratulations to the unbelievable Bingo team! This group of dedicated volunteers spent nine months gathering prizes and soliciting sponsorships for a bingo game known throughout the Circle City area. For a very reasonable price, players received: hot pulled pork sandwiches, homemade potato chips, delicious macaroni salad, soft, chewy cookies, soft drinks, water, more candy, popcorn, and nuts than you can believe. Then there were the 10 prize-laden games, pull-tabs, the very popular heads or tails game, raffles, the 50/50 raffle, Interested in livelier drinks? The Knights of Columbus were happy to serve you.
Over 400 players came to their assigned seats, and the noise level rose with the excitement. Sr. Georgia kicked us off with a prayer, and heads bowed once again to concentrate on the bingo cards in hand. The K of C had their huge bingo board demonstrating each target game pattern and all the numbers called throughout the game.
Some people were curious. They asked, “You’re having this at the KFC? There’s a KFC big enough for over 400 people?” Most, however, know the path to the Knights of Columbus after attending the Bingo Extravaganza year after year.
Congratulations to Paula Urbanek and her cousin for winning the 50/50. Paula drove in from St. Louis, and her cousin joined her from Noblesville.
All of the volunteers for Bingo Extravaganza are listed below. The core group devoted nine months to make sure spectacular prizes were ready, from the very large Costco bear to beautifully wrapped baskets of wine, chocolate, other items always related to a theme.
The Little Sisters thank chair Angie Bagnoli from the bottom of their hearts. Angie has chaired this remarkable event for fifteen years, making sure that every game is full of fun, prizes, laughter, and great fellowship. Angie’s gifts of commitment, leadership, and dedication to the Little Sisters has been outstanding, and the Sisters hold you in their grateful prayers.
25th Annual Little Sisters of the Poor
Bingo Extravaganza Committee:
Angie Bagnoli, Chair
Mary Anne Barothy
Sr. Cecilia
Louise Collet
Kim Huser
Pat Kopek
Anne Leppert
Doug Miller
Gail Pluta
Sherry Porter
Jane Remien
Margaret Schaller
Peggy Trier
Margie Vasil
25th Annual Little Sisters of the Poor
Bingo Extravaganza Volunteers:
Lydia Abad Bob Huser
Amy Adams Kim Huser
Greg Adams Karine Huys
Jim Ake Ellen Jose
Kathleen Ansty Nick Jose
Angie Bagnoli Dave Koch
Jim Bagnoli Pat Kopek
Mary Anne Barothy Anne Leppert
Steve Bailey Mike McAloon
Sue Bailey Deb Miller
Linda Bear Doug Miller
Ron Borthwick Nancy Morse
Nathan Buonanno Andy Myers
John Chlapik Gail Pluta
Helen Dammann Sherry Porter
Mary Patout Deering Kim Reed
Lorita Doucette Janie Remien
Bob Dyer Margaret Schaller
Joanne Dyer Josette Snellen
Brenda Elmer Charlene Sorrell
Dave Elmer Bill Spellman
Bette Fortino JoAnne Spellman
Beth Hansen Peggy Trier
Gayle Hawes Mary Ann Van Note
Bill Haworth Margi Vasil
Barney Hayes Mike Vasil
Gloria Hayes Kathy Vissing
Judi Hedberg Kate Wilson
Anne Heid Sara Wissler
Marlene Hoving Dorothy Yanavich
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Bingo Extravaganza!